Thursday, March 23, 2006

Egide Rombaux and the merry Belgians

Something about Flemish art -- going back 500 years --- maybe because they have the best beer in the world -- having a loose, thick, jovial sensuality -- that transcends all the intervening styles and conceits of European painting and sculpture. And for some reason -- there seems to be, per capita, more sculptors in Belgium than anywhere else in the world (except maybe Italy). They can even claim Rodin as a countryman -- because that's where he went to begin his career -- after being rejected by the Ecole Des Beaux Arts. With a little more promotion - Rombaux could be Rodin -- he was just as as fluid and articulate

This figure is so goofy -- it dangerously walks the edge that separates sculpture from cartoon -- but unlike all the cartoonish dreck that's made today, it doesn't fall over it. The title is "Vogelverschrikker" -- or "scarey man" - or "scarecrow"

And here is his more famous countryman, Rik Wouters, who was both an amazing sculptor AND an amazing painter as a bright, colorful post-Impressionist / Fauvist.
He died far too young.


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